Family Preservation


The goal of Compass Connections is to help each child find their true north, ensuring each child’s safety and well-being with a focus on permanency – ensuring all children are safely placed with their forever family.

What We Do

Family Preservation focuses on partnering with families to identify and build upon each family’s strengths to ensure long-term safety and stability in the home.

Story Background

Identify Risk and Protective Factors
Case Management Specialists may work with caregivers prior to reunification to complete a home study. This strengths-based home study assesses the strengths and resiliency of each individual in the family unit, while identifying areas of risk and development, as well as creating a list of resources necessary to ensure permanency post reunification.

Promote Child Well-Being
Case Management Specialists work with caregivers to build skills necessary to understand and support the child’s physical, social and cognitive development. Building skills and enhancing capacity helps reduce risks while increasing safety and protective factors.

Enhance Family Connections
Case Management Specialists work with caregivers to develop opportunities to create meaningful family connections. Building and enhancing family connections sets a foundation for trust, communication and security for everyone involved.

24-Hour Availability of Staff
Case Management Specialists are available 24-hours a day to provide real-time support. This availability is an instrumental part of the stabilization and preservation of the family. It is also necessary to ensure the caregiver, child and other family members identify and have access to community resources and support, both crisis and non-crisis.

Caregiver Education
Case Management Specialists provide educational support to caregivers, focusing on agreed-upon areas for development, providing opportunities for the caregiver to feel more confident as a parent and preventing future problems that may cause disruption in the family.

Short-Term In-Home Support
Case Management Specialists work intensively with the caregiver, child and other family members, utilizing a time-based, goal-driven process that focuses on the strengths and resiliency of each individual. This short-term in-home support focuses on assisting the family in obtaining services and other support necessary to address the family’s needs.